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Arsenic-free pulp devitalising paste

  • Ready to use paste contains camphorated parachorophenol and formaldehyde.
  • Particularly useful in cases where the pulp can't be removed in the same visit.

600.00 inc. GST


A useful product for pulp devitalization particularly where the pulp could not be removed at the same visit. Devit plus is ready to use paste contains camphorated para-chlorophenol and formaldehyde.

  •           A useful product for devitalisation of pulp
  •            Ready to use material
  •            Contains camphorated para-chlorophenol and formaldehyde.

A useful product for devitalization of pulp, particularly, where the pulp could not be removed at the same visit and it becomes necessary to defer treatment to next visit.

CHEMISTRY: Putty ready to use contains camphorated papra chlorophenol and formaldehyde and creosote mixture in zinc oxide and excipient base.

INDICATION: For devitalization of pulp which is too painful to remove at same visit.

CONTRAINDICATION: Allergy to any of the above components.

Apical abscess area.

Necrotic suppurating pulp and /or buccal sinus swelling etc.

CONSIDERATION: It is normally best to carry full pulp extirpation and root treatment, however as an in term measure pulp can be devitalized comfortably over a week before carrying out root treatment.


Remove all caries except arrested(HARD) caries.

If pulp is exposed and bleeding, carefully wash pulp with either local anesthesia or saline solution.

Bleeding should be stopped by firmly placing a cotton pledged in the cavity.


Providing no prior symptoms have been present, pulp exposure occurring whilst cavity preparation.

If only pin point bleeding, do not touch the pulp tissue with instrument.

Place a calcium hydroxide liner only and restore.


If prior occasional short duration acute pain associated with sweet or hot and cold food/air, and provided the tooth is not tender to percussion, it is considered that the symptoms fairly recent but of sufficient concern to patient to seek treatment then following treatment is recommended.

Following cavity preparation and removal of caries, the pulp is exposed. If the cavity is bleeding profusely then stop the bleeding as above.

Place and cover exposure with SEPTOCAL following arrest of bleeding.

Place additional liner such as Polycarboxylate in a thick slab and restore tooth.


If long duration pulpits or chronic pulpits is present but no swelling and no apical or lateral pathology then following treatment is recommended.

If the pulp exposure is large, remove all decay radically. If the coronal pulp is necrotic, remove pulp until pulp tissue bleeds profusely. Wash with LA or saline. Arrest bleeding by applying pledget. All necrotic pulp must be removed. Although root treatment must be preferred, however, if it is very painful to remove pulp then place a small amount of DEVIT PLUS to fully cover the exposed area and seal with zinc oxide/eugenol dressing.

CONTRAINDICATION: Do not use in case of apical area pathology, abscess swelling.

Do not use where pulp tissue is entirely necrotic.

Do not use where effective root treatment can be carried.

STORAGE: Do not store above 23°C.

Always replace caps securely between uses and after use.

Protect from heat.

CAUTION: Do not use if the patient has allergy to paraformaldehyde or camphorated pap chlorophenol.

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